
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sunday Happenings...

So, I've never really done the whole, just blog about what is going on in life right now thing - but what the heck - today's the day to start it! 
(Sorry for anyone who was expecting a recipe or review... being away at college doesn't provide many opportunities to whip up new creations :/ Please forgive me!)

So here goes!
First off, I got new running shoes! WOOT! They don't glow in the dark like my last ones :( But they're so bright it almost counts. 
Ya like?

Secondly, I finally figured out how to solve my "no time to eat because I have class over the noon hour and the dining hall is 2 miles (give or take) away!" dilema. Our cafeteria will pack me a lunch! Nifty right? I feel like I'm in Kindergarten again going on a field trip... only no letters from my mom :(
Oh well, can't have it all!

A turkey, roast beef, spinach, tomato and hummus sandwich on marble rye - not to shabby! And with the piece of fruit, water bottle and cold veggies, it was delicious, nutritious and quick & easy!

Soooo what's a girl to do when you have way too many samples left over that you have already reviewed and they will soon go bad, but you just can not eat that much? 
Put them on your ironing board in the middle of your dorm's hallway! 

They were gone in like 2 hours... no joke. People LOVED it! And best of all, the companies got even more publicity! 
Hey, they sent me free samples, I feel like I should do as much as possible to help them out!

Well, that's all for today! I hope you all had fabulous weekends and a great week!
....I have my first physiology test coming up... :/ 
St. Thomas Aquinas (patron saint of learning) please pray for me!

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