
Monday, February 4, 2013

Impact Foods

Alright, so usually I wait until I've tried all the samples a company has given me before I write up a review. But this CANNOT WAIT! I have got to tell you guys about this company-it is quickly become one of my favs and for GOOD reason!

We know that I have a little problem with granola, love-hate relationship really. I love how it tastes, but sometimes hate its nutrition. More like a candy bar in the sugar and fat realms if you're smelling what I'm steppin' in! Which irks me to say the least.

I also hate how much I love some of the 'big name' companies granola... like Special K, or Quaker - I just feel like they are so disconnected with the consumer, and I don't like that!

So what is all this ranting for? Well... I've found a granola company that cares. Cares about you, about me, about nutrition, about taste, about using whole foods, but most importantly - about hungry children around the world.

Enter: Impact Foods
Yes, these are the founders - and they created this amazing company that not only feeds hungry-granola-loving gals like me, but also helps fight the war against hunger worldwide, especially for children.
They're promis is simple. Buy one bag of granola-feed one child. 

Amazing, no? I can see how God is working through them, their creativity, talent and drive to make a difference in this world! I am so impressed!

I got my box of samples and literally screamed with joy!

They have 3 flavors:
Maple Oat, Vanilla Almond and Blueberry Honey


Dug right on in!

This isn't the type of granola that is full of chunks, it has a smooth, even consistency but with add-ins like seeds and nuts, coconut and freeze dried berries! 
I first tried the Maple Oat and immediately fell in love!

So delicious in a big bowl with milk... I may or may not have had more than one serving...
Oops! :)

But, then again, I'm not sorry At. All. It was delicious! 
And the nutritional facts are pretty good overall. 
1/3 cup has between 130 - 150 calories, 2g fiber and about 3g protein. 

It was sweet, hearty, and had a texture that I don't even know how to describe! It was crunchy but literally fell apart in my mouth, so good. 

Impact Foods - thank you for being such good people. Honestly, it is great to find a company that I can feel good about supporting, both in my heart and my mouth! 
Luke 3:11, And he answered them, “Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do likewise.”

I pray God continues to work through you and through all of us, to fulfill His plans. 

Now go get some Impact Granola people!!!

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