
Saturday, April 6, 2013


So what do dietetic students that double as bloggers do in their free time?
Attend MINK conference of course!
If you aren't familiar... MINK conference is not a conference for these coats...
No no no! 
MINK stands for
Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas Dietetics Conference
Long name - awesome conference, TONS of information throw at my brain!
-representing the MINK bag!-

I was actually blessed enough to know and work under the Head of this Conference, so I got the privilege to assist her in the planning and production of this conference. I was such an amazing experience-I learned more from doing the 'behind the scenes' stuff than the actual conference itself! 
But... what I got from the conference was HUGE!

I listened to some great speakers, including Katie Brown, Dr. Jim Painter, Ethan Bergman, Dr. Carr, David Grotto, Rebecca Subbiah, Dave Ellis, Connie Diekman, Emma Fogt, the list goes on and on! 

They are amazing speakers- and even more so- people that got me really jazzed up and excited for the area of study I'm in!

The areas they touched on included foods that help lower cholesterol (I didn't realize that cholesterol is more about the food you eat, not the food you don't eat if that makes sense!)
They also talked about childhood nutrition, geriatric supplementation, and nutrient counseling for males among other things! 

Amazing stuff people... amazing stuff. 

There was also an exhibit hall #freestuff

And it was a Dietetics conference right? So that means one thing - delicious fruit.
If I learned one thing, it is that I am not a lone (almost) dietitian that loves her fruit!
-at the networking event-

-at breakfast-
I told you people... we love us some fruit!

But there were also some not-fruit-laden meals that were equally delish!
BEEF! Thanks beef council of the four states for delivering this girl some much needed steak :)

 The photos above may look crazy - and they are! 
We went to a Tapas Bar! I had actually just learned about Tapas Bars in my food and culture class... feeling pretty cultured here people
We had the Drunken Mushrooms, a White Bean Hummus and the far right picture is pretty much a cheeseball on fire. 

Ok-so those aren't the exact names... they were fancy and in Spanish but do you guys really expect me to remember? 

But the best thing about the conference?
By far- meeting some amazing, inspiring dietitians!

One night I was blessed enough to get to go out to supper (Tapas) with Emma Fogt, Rebecca Subbiah and David Grotto (our MC)
Not to mention the wonderful woman that made the whole conference happen - Amber! 
They are amazing people with exhilarating life stories and I could not be more grateful for the chance to meet them!

Thanks MINK13 for a great 4 days full of life changing learning experiences! 
We will see you later KC!


  1. great post and I see great things in your future

    1. Thank you! :) So happy to get to meet you!

  2. Honored to be mentioned in your list of speakers. Boy, I wish I was part part of your dinner party - it sounded delish and lots of fun. It must of been that Dave Grotto look-a-like guy that you were with. Ha!



  3. Thank you! It was a great experience that I am very thankful for.

  4. Hey girl! I think I actually saw you there the first day! We should definitely meet up soon! :)


Im listening...

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