
Saturday, December 15, 2012

BZZZZ!!! Bee Pollen Buzz

Mmmmm Honey! 

I love its sweet and comforting taste, delightful aroma and encompassing texture. It truly is an amazing food God has given to us. But did you know how beneficial it can be to our health? Me neither... until now! Even the Bible tells us that honey is good for us: Proverbs 16:24 says, "Kind words are like honey--sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."

I was lucky enough to receive a sample of Bee Pollen Buzz's raw honey (they provided me with a sample, but the thoughts and opinions are completely my own, I was compensated in no other way.)

I had never had raw honey before and was a little curious as well as nervous - I had NO idea what to expect... raw honey? I went along with it though - would I ever turn down a review opportunity?! Of course not! 

Well, I was not let down. Not in the slightest! After a little research, I discovered that I knew absolutely NOTHING about honey! If you're like me, you're probably thinking.. well honey is honey, what more is there to know? A lot! 

Most honey is highly processed, meaning it has been heated to temperatures that kill off all the beneficial enzymes, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. In fact, honey should be a solid at room temperature?! Crazy baking girl say WHAT?! I know... I was shocked too! 

Raw honey hasn't been treated with the high heat or excess filtration that strips it of its amazing health properties. Just look at all the benefits raw honey has:

• Harmonize the liver
• Neutralize toxins
• Relieve pain
• Wipe out toxins that cause diarrhea
• Digestion 
• Anti-Inflammatory
• Expectorant
• Laxative
• Sedative
• Anti-Toxic
• Anti-Anemic
• Fever-Reducing

If that isn't enough to get you incorporating raw honey into your life, the taste sure will! One little lick of the raw honey was enough to get me hooked! It is so sweet (obviously...) but since it is a solid at room temperature it can be spread directly on toast! (talk about convenience!) or any other way you'd like to enjoy this sweet treat! 

I am truly truly truly in love with this raw honey and will soon be out! I have used it in sooo many ways, but my two favorite are:

~1 tsp. raw honey mixed into 1 cup of hot water a squirt of lemon juice for an amazing drink when you have a sore throat or any cold-like symptoms!

~A Peanut Butter & Honey Smoothie!
-1 TBSP raw honey
-1 TBSP peanut butter
-1/2 cup yogurt (frozen in ice cube trays)
-1/2 cup milk
-Blend all together and ENJOY nearly pass out from its amazingness! 

Keep one thing in mind though, honey, as with absolutely anything should be consumed in moderation, after all - it is a saccaride and while it is completely natural and a much better alternative to white sugar, it should still be treated as a sweet.

I hope you all give raw honey a try! Both your health and your tastebuds will thank you! Bee Pollen Buzz also makes some other interesting, and crazy healthy bee products! Check them all out here

Have a sweet day!

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